How an explainer video can increase conversions

Finally, people are starting to get on board with explainer videos- one of the most engaging methods to increase conversions. An explainer video can do a variety of good things for your business plan, but there are three main reasons why video marketing is such a successful tool for businesses.
- Add Some Personality, Increase Conversions
A good explainer video should be a storytelling experience that viewers can identify with, easily respond to and enjoy watching. Breathe some life into an otherwise boring corporate message by putting a face and voice to your business in a video.
Leads will be more likely to have a positive response to your company if an explainer video is available, providing evidence that your business is operated by actual people and not robots from another dimension.
- Quickly Defining Values and Objectives
Leads simply do not have the time to read a bunch of regurgitated literature about your business. A short 60 second video can easily condense and summarize 1,000 words of text while also adding a powerful ingredient of charisma that many competitors may lack. It is much easier to increase conversions when your website’s landing page contains a short but informative explainer video that outlines the core functions of your business.
The most important thing to remember is that your explainer video should be fun to watch. The last thing the world needs is another cookie cutter company that refuses to have a good time. There are plenty of those out there today already. Potential customers are not soulless zombies wandering cyberspace, and this is something businesses tend to forget.
- Increase Conversions by Expanding Customer Reach
In countries like South Africa, the growth of Internet retailing and explainer videos has taken off. South Africa has begun to share its creativity and open its digital doors to a global marketplace of consumers hungry for something other than ‘business as usual’. South Africa is a great example of how Youtube marketing or explainer videos can spread a message across the world and increase conversions.
The value of explainer videos to any business cannot be dismissed. The world is turning to the Internet first for product research and shopping, making it more important than ever to create a business message that wasn’t cloned in a corporate dungeon. If you want to increase conversions fast, creating a new and fun explainer video is the way to do it.