First National Bank (FNB)

The Business Challenge

FNB are in the process of aligning all parts of the organisation to their strategic purpose of ‘Just Transition’ towards practices that support climate change. The challenge was to embed this change within the business and help employees live the purpose in a meaningful way.

Our Solution

The best way to make people care is to speak to their heart. This campaign did just that, asking employees to start with what they love when thinking about changes they can make that support climate change.

Bringing it to Life for FNB

We launched with a climate change survey that gathered data on what employees knew about climate change. From this, we determined that an education piece was needed before we can expect staff to adopt any form of behaviour change. We created “Discover Your World”, a gamified learning platform where employees followed a video story and unlocked points, based on their level of engagement. Then, we developed a 30-day challenge that gave employees various tasks to complete. These tasks promoted better green practices. We then launched a competition that asked employees to come up with innovative new products and ways to drive better green practices.

FNB Love Your World
  • ENGAGEMENT 90% 90%

The Result

Throughout post campaign surveys, employees expressed an understanding of the content and felt it aligned with the business. Due to the success of the “Discover Your World”, the campaign is currently being rolled-out across the entire First Rand Group.


HolyCow punch well above their weight in their ability to synthesise complex business narratives into fascinatingly explicable visual effects and easy-to-digest sound bites. Thank you, job well done!
Guy Martin

Founder, Bluprints

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