Pick n Pay

The Brief

HolyCow was asked to develop a big idea that would help Pick n Pay celebrate 50 years of business and also communicate a future vision based on the values that the company was built on. In a tough economic climate, a message was needed that would hit home and inspire staff to rise to the challenge.

What we did

We developed a message that was simplistic yet multi-layered. “Get Real” was a rallying cry that spoke to staff on many levels. We wanted all to be reminded that the company has always stood for real value, real people and real products. It was founded on real principles that has yielded real success. We also wanted to drive home the message that we need to get real with ourselves, take a hard look at how we go about our business to ensure another successful 50 years of business.


  • ENGAGEMENT 80% 80%

The Result

The event was a memorable celebration that weaved many stories together and allowing all participants the opportunity to acknowledge their part in building future success. We used documentary style video snippets as the narrative that kept the audiences engaged to the real story behind Pick n Pay, providing an authentic backdrop to the exploration of the strategy that would drive the business forwards.

HolyCow punch well above their weight in their ability to synthesise complex business narratives into fascinatingly explicable visual effects and easy-to-digest sound bites. Thank you, job well done!

Guy Martin

Founder, Bluprints

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