Sales videos – do they actually increase sales?
It is often said that a “picture is worth a thousand words.” More often than not, adding additional pictures to your sales page is a great way to keep your audience engaged. After all, reading so much text after a while feels repetitive for most. By adding a picture, you help the reader to visualize what you are talking about. When talking about a sales video, can the same be said?
Increase the Length of Stay with Sales Video
- According to a 2010 study by digital analytics firm comScore, the average internet user stays on the page two minutes longer if a sales video is included.
- Users who viewed a video were 64 percent more likely to make a purchase.
In 2013, these numbers only increased, and sales video has become the best medium to keep users engaged. Let’s face it. Most people hate having to read lengthy sales letters where product after product is pitched. Video not only allows you to showcase your product or service in a different light, but also lets your visitors sit back and relax. Your goal is to keep your visitors on your site for as long as possible until they either opt-in or buy.
Gain Additional Data Metrics
In the business world, if you aren’t tracking your data, you are simply throwing money out the window. It’s much harder to understand exactly who your customers are, how they interact, and what they prefer by tracking text data alone. By seeing which videos are viewed the most and at what point visitors exit the video, you gain the opportunity to understand who your audience is. Use these metrics to refine your landing pages or implement something new to sell.
Build Your Brand and Drive More Traffic
By incorporating video into your page, you are putting a new face to your brand. With the potential for millions of people to see what you have to offer, video is one of the best ways to help people learn more about your product or service. On top of all, videos are meant to be shared. For example, did you know that 92 percent of mobile users share videos they find interesting with others?
Take advantage of this marketing boom not only to build your brand, but also to increase your visitors’ length of stay, gain additional data for future development of your brand, and increase overall revenue!