When to take your company video online
1. You want to communicate complex ideas to a wide audience:
Your audience doesn’t have time to read lengthy articles.
2. You need to build your brand:
So – you’ve just spent a whole lot of cash on your company video. If you’re wondering about taking your company video online to maximize your investment, here are five signs that you should:
A good company video that gets shared among the right audience can mean the last marketing money you ever spend.
3. You want to build credibility far and wide:
People tend to believe information presented via video more than any other medium.
4. You need to improve your Google Search rankings:
It’s a fact that websites with video rank higher than websites without.
5. You want to gain market share among social media users:
YouTube is a social network and posting your company video to YouTube means your audience can share it via Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the social universe.
So, if you’ve ticked any of these boxes, don’t waste any time your company video online and out there…….