Online video marketing has the potential to be a potent tool in your marketing arsenal. Follow these guidelines to get the most out of your online video marketing strategy: online video marketing strategy

  1. Be clear on your goals: It’s important to be clear on the objectives of your online video marketing strategy, so that you can measure its success. Goals could be building broad for eg, increasing brand awareness, to more specific, such as building inbound links to your site.
  2. Choose the genre of video: This will depend on your goals. For example, your video may be educational or it may be entertaining. A good question to ask in determining this is, “What do I want my audience to walk away feeling?”
  3. Always think about shareability: When a video is shared is when a marketer gets the biggest return on investment, and a video is shared when it evokes emotion.
  4. Know your target audience: This is a big one. Online video marketing is about creating engagement with your target audience. If your audience is 25 to 35 year old males who love sport and you end up appealing to fashion obsessed teenage girls, then you have missed the boat. That’s why it’s critical to do your research and know what’s going to appeal to your target market.
  5. Determine key takeout upfront: At the end of the day, you want your target audience to walk away with a message. It might be a subtle, brand awareness message or might be a more direct call to action. Just make sure to be clear on this from the start and plan your creative around it.


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