
The Brief
HolyCow was asked to conceptualise a mechanism that would bring to life the business strategy. This included conceptualisation and development of the core creative theme, along with the design and implementation of the experiential staff activation that would articulate culture, strategy and align staff to the business vision.
What we did
HolyCow conceptualised a Space Station-themed activation day filled with numerous activities, games and interactions – all aimed at sharing knowledge of the company and its operations with its staff members in a fun yet educational manner. Staff were invited to visualize the business by creating Lego scenes that represented business functions, complete various challenges that personified business culture and take part in an interactive knowledge sharing activity to articulate strategy and KPIs.

The Result
Feedback from the event was extremely positive. Staff were able to articulate how they believed they could align with company vision as well as experience first-hand how the company intended to move forwards. Information retention was high due to the interactive nature of learning and the Lego visualisation is used to induct new staff members and serves as a reference point to drive strategic conversations.

HolyCow punch well above their weight in their ability to synthesise complex business narratives into fascinatingly explicable visual effects and easy-to-digest sound bites. Thank you, job well done!